Some of you may have noticed that you can now access this site via http://www.theipblog.co.uk as well as direct: http://theipblog.blogspot.com and also http://www.ipfreely.info.
The reason for this?
All will become clear in the new year but basically I have found that IP Freely is getting too serious, this was not the purpose of the blog and as such I plan to revert IP Freely to its original casual stylee and use http://www.theipblog.co.uk as a more serious / sensible site.

The reason for this?
All will become clear in the new year but basically I have found that IP Freely is getting too serious, this was not the purpose of the blog and as such I plan to revert IP Freely to its original casual stylee and use http://www.theipblog.co.uk as a more serious / sensible site.

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