The Sports Law Blog reports that during the 2007/2008 season the FA Premier League identified 177 sites :
"which contained or were connected to unauthorised streaming of Premier League football matches"
Again this raises the topic that never seems to go away: Peer to Peer file sharing / networks with the FAPL claiming that 63% of these sites use p2p technology. It remains to be seen what is to be done about this, recent attempts by the computer game industry to clamp down on file sharers has fallen flat (see here) however the FAPL's recent £1.8 Billion sale of rights to BskyB raises more problems. Why would BskyB continue to pay such high figures when potential customers can just log on and watch for free? There are already problems with pub landlords switching to significantly cheaper foreign (pirate?) satellite providers (IP Freely himself has watched games in such venues), surely sooner or later BskyB will really put their foot down on the FAPL.
However what are they to do, as mentioned they are fighting the battle on two fronts (online and dans le pub). Online they will have to wait to see how other similar p2p cases turn out and for the pubs they will have to wait for the impending ECJ decision.
Meanwhile, anyone know where I can watch the games?

"which contained or were connected to unauthorised streaming of Premier League football matches"
Again this raises the topic that never seems to go away: Peer to Peer file sharing / networks with the FAPL claiming that 63% of these sites use p2p technology. It remains to be seen what is to be done about this, recent attempts by the computer game industry to clamp down on file sharers has fallen flat (see here) however the FAPL's recent £1.8 Billion sale of rights to BskyB raises more problems. Why would BskyB continue to pay such high figures when potential customers can just log on and watch for free? There are already problems with pub landlords switching to significantly cheaper foreign (pirate?) satellite providers (IP Freely himself has watched games in such venues), surely sooner or later BskyB will really put their foot down on the FAPL.
However what are they to do, as mentioned they are fighting the battle on two fronts (online and dans le pub). Online they will have to wait to see how other similar p2p cases turn out and for the pubs they will have to wait for the impending ECJ decision.
Meanwhile, anyone know where I can watch the games?

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